
Ansible is a software tool from Redhat to make automation task between ansible master host and client.

Step by step configuration and simple playbook to run ansible

1. installation on master system

in redhat/centos: yum install ansible -y

2. configure the /etc/ansible/hosts file to input group and add the clients hosts inside the grup 

[ansible_client] <--- group name ansible_ssh_user= root  ansible_ssh_pass= password <---- IP of client, username of client and client password

3. make a playbook that use a yml language 

sample.yml  <-- sample playbook file


- name: sample book

  hosts: ansible_client <--- group name that we input in the ansible host file

  remote_user: root

  become: true


      - name: install httpd


                name: httpd

                state: latest

      - name: run httpd


                  name: httpd

                  state: started

       - name: create content


                 content: "Congrats on installing ansible"

                 dest: /home/jacobs/helloansible.txt

4. check playbook syntax consistency

# ansible-playbook sample.yml --syntax-check

output: playbook: sample.yml


If everything is correct, syntax will be shown output of filename of the playbook.

5. execute the ansible playbook

# ansible-playbook sample.yml

At the end of the execution will have valuable information on how the tasks are executed for each client nodes. 

information such as what tasks is executed or tasks change, what client node unreachable if any, and if any failed tasks.



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